Friday, December 7, 2012

The End Result- Accepting Limitations

The End Result- Accepting Limitations

As I sit here writing this, I have learned a lot from this project. I have worked on these scallops for hours and hours. Yet, the end result doesn't look as amazing as some people's lamp sculptures that took five minutes. This project made me realize my own limitations. Although, I may be a great designer and artist in my own right, there are just somethings I cannot do perfectly. The scallops look nice, but the structure could use some work. I tried from every angle, but found barely any solutions to my problem. I managed to make it work, but at what cost? I used a slim paper to emphasize the scallops and it does look nice, but the structure is questionable. It holds the piece together fine and I limited the amount inside so the viewer focuses on the lamp, but the overall shape isn't ideal. As I sat looking at this lamp the other night, an epiphany occurred. Man isn't perfect. I'm not perfect, I have great determination and motivation, but even that only extends so far. This project made me realize limits as a person and an artist. Sometimes you need to compromise to meet a deadline and accept your own restrictions. I know I have strengths and weaknesses. Craftsmanship is a weakness of mine, but now that I know of it, I can improve. Who knows, may be by this time next year I'll be great at it! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Scallops, Scallops, Everywhere

Scallops, Scallops, Everywhere

I love the scallop idea I went with it's a lot of fun to sit and cut. I also like sewing the strips together. All in all relaxing so far. I still cannot figure out how it's going to close, but I have faith in myself. Just think in about a week I get to go home and craft! With my break I'm going to practice, practice, practice. First, I need to learn to sketch a bunch for my Illustration class this next spring. Then, I need to practice writing as well as my craftsmanship skills. So I will practice doing small projects to hone those skills for the spring! But for the moment, I'm going to cut away at these scallops. 

See these are my inspiration sketches, but they only get me so far. Models don't help me for some reason. Unless it's Illustration related some way, it's hard to interest me in making models. I have to really focus and hone my mind. Yet, drawing models is more interesting to me and I could have done even more if I had, had some time.