Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paranorman Appreciation Post

Paranorman Appreciation Post

This movie was beyond adorable. Not only did it have a decent plot and overall important message, the animation was great eye candy. Paranorman comes from the stop-motion animation studio that created one of my all time favorite movies Coraline, but this time they've created a story all their own. Basically it's about a kid named Norman that can see ghosts. No one believes him and thinks he is weird. Now as luck would have it a three hundred year old curse finally occurs upon Norman's hometown and only he can stop it. I really love Norman his voice actor did a great job and it's easy to relate to his plight as a social outcast, but his character development is great especially his gravity defying hair. Now I can go on all day about the beautiful details in doing stop-motion and that are well done in this film, but I won't. The characters make this film. From the crazy towns people to Norman's hot guy hunting sister, to his crazy uncle the characters forward the plot. I loved this movie and although it did have a lot of characters, it did not feel overloaded. Each one got their air time and interwove with the rest so well. I recommend this movie not only to children that have to deal with bullying, but adults and art lovers as well. 

I mean who doesn't love a bunch of quirky kids trying to solve a town's curse? It's like a modern day version of The Goonies without the truffle shuffle. Paranorman is definitely an awkwardly beautiful diamond in an otherwise three dimensionally animated world. 

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