Monday, September 23, 2013

How to Cut Your Hair and Take Risks in Design

How to Cut Your Hair and Take Risks in Design

After five years of growing out my hair, I cut it all off the previous weekend. Here are some facts about my prior mindset to the drastic cut. First, I had never cut my hair shorter than right in the middle of my neck. Second, I had no clue how my hair would react to the short length with it being so curly and third, I had cut seven inches off my hair earlier in the summer and saw no difference in the appearance. So I knew it was time for a huge change. I wanted to look different. My life experiences had changed me internally now that I turned twenty, but I wanted an external representation of this alteration. As I walked to the hair salon, my nerves grew more and more afraid of change. Yet I kept walking, and figured that this hair risk can easily correlate to the risk any designer takes in their designs. 

Sometimes going off the easy road is scary and taking risks can lead to terrible disasters, but those chances can make all the difference in a good design. By taking a chance a design can be escalated to a whole new level of art and comprehension. The Design world is filled with risk takers that have success and mistakes, but they learn from both. I needed to overcome my fear to push myself more in design. This contemplation made my walk easier, my footing lighter. Once I sat in the barber's chair, I was ready. It was so liberating to feel the weight of the last five years fall from my head. Not only did I take a risk and succeed, I also closed a chapter in my life and welcomed the new experiences to come. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your hair short it is so cute! Maybe your next big risk as a designer would be to dye it a silly color?
