Monday, August 27, 2012

Ten Principles of Good Design- Reflections

Ten Principles of Good Design by Dieter Rams

I felt I really understood Dieter Ram’s Ten Principles of Design. The item I chose for the first project covers many of the principles, which includes: innovative, useful, aesthetic (to a point), unobtrusive, honest, and environmentally friendly. Although I did find two principles almost contradictory, a design should be thorough down to the last detail and still retain a simple design. When I thought of thorough I usually related it to something that’s very detailed, the fact that something can be thorough and simple seems really amazing. Now that I think about my own “good design” in some ways it is very simple and shows to have been thoroughly though out.  Another design that I really feel shows numerous design principles is the image above of the Berg Cloud. It’s an upcoming small device that prints out daily papers over various subjects that an individual can choose from. The device is simple in design, innovative, useful, aesthetic, honest, and especially environmentally friendly. Although there are numerous devices that barely show any of the principles. I know many children’s toys are advertised as these stupendous things and are actually terribly made. Dieter Rams has made a fine list of principles that are truly something all designers should try to obtain in their designs. 

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