Monday, September 3, 2012

Don Norman Video- Reflections

Don Norman- 3 Ways Good Design Makes You Happy
I was a bit hesitant at the start of Don Norman’s video, but after watching I feel more understanding of art and design. Design can be about making things neat and fun. Even feelings can help influence a design’s outcome. Norman mentions numerous examples of beautiful designs and how they may be faulty, but people still enjoy them. Also, how people will purchase things just to impress others or attract attention. I really liked the scientific example about the relation to out of the box thinking and happiness. A person that is too nervous and focused will have a harder time thinking out of the box. It makes sense that I get more “off the wall” ideas when I’m happy rather than sad. Yet, a balance between both focus and out of the box thinking is needed to complete any project. I also really liked how Norman brought together the levels of the mind and its relation to happiness as well as design. Except whenever he mentioned reflective I kept thinking of Jiminy Cricket. It was really fun that Norman loved talking about Design. It made the entire video more fascinating as well as exciting. I felt my illustration major was completely awkward in the design world, but after Norman's video I understand the importance of all forms of design working together for the best solution. His enthusiasm about design made me happy and inspired to try my best in design as well as thinking from different perspectives.  

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