Thursday, November 28, 2013

Manifesto Post

Manifesto Post 

After reading through some of the manifesto's Stacie posted on the Visual Communications website, I kind of realized that my manifesto would probably not take the basic paragraph form. As a person, I don't usually do things the way others do. Sometimes I mess up and start all over again, my curiosity can get the best of me. Other times I can be stubborn about things, but always try to be flexible when it truly counts. I can be incredibly spontaneous and try silly things at the drop of a hat and I feel this reads into my designs. Out of the manifestos posted I connected most to Bruce Mau's incomplete manifesto. 

It has the same type of format I'd like to go for mine. His manifesto is more about a singular idea and then a couple sentences explaining this idea. It really is inspirational to read. I really love lists. It makes me feel like this is what I need to do rather than just comprehending a set list. 

Although I feel like my manifesto will have more visual sensations, I want there to be a feeling people can connect to through a visual explanation. My first draft for my manifesto touched on this, but I focused too much on relating my ukulele. After my long drive for Thanksgiving break and just seeing the visual wonders of how land and sky connect on a lonely road, my eyes have opened to the real meaning of my manifesto. I want to talk about the experiences we have in life that continue with us on the road of life. We carry these snips of life in a metaphorical suitcase, so when they're needed we can grab them. 

I feel this idea will really work and maybe I can add my ukulele to the pecha kucha part of the assignment. For my physical making of the book for the manifesto I hope to do a passport. The final format will be more of a spoken poem. I think i'd like it to be passionate, but more about the visual aesthetics that we connect with. Only time will tell. 

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