Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Croods Appreciation Post

The Croods Appreciation Post

A few weeks ago I went and saw The Croods with some friends. Although I give the plot a three out of four stars, the animation was five out of five. The characters were so well made. I loved how the character Eep didn't have the basic female shape and looked like a cave woman. This showed off her strength and abilities. It made me enjoy the film so much more since the characters didn't necessarily fit the average body stereotype.The backgrounds and environment were also very well done. Everything was so vividly colored, detailed, and texturized. As the family journeyed over this new terrain, the vivid environments attracted my eyes everywhere. You could tell a lot of thought was put into the design of this film, but the best part was the character's expressions and mannerisms. 

Eep's character had constant curiosity and this fueled her desires throughout the film. Her curiosity was also well-developed within her character. She would sniff things and move about all inquisitive of various objects that surrounded her new environment. It truly made her character more endearing to me. Also, the humor was spot on throughout the film. At one point the small reptile like dog named Douglas learns to roll over and falls out of a tall tree. After this incident it cuts to the next scene without telling the audience what has happened. It was really a funny moment as the audience realizes what happens. The story is a bit thin, but I really enjoyed the humor, art, and overall design of this film. It not only brings advanced visual development, but breaks societal molds of body shapes. 

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