Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Video and Overall Thoughts on Final Prototype

The video turned out to be a bit of a challenge. It was hard to express the simpleness of the design as well as make the video simple. Yet, it was fun to experiment with the music, lighting, and overall flow of the video. Our final outcome shows our simple idea and the adaptability of the whisk in some form. Also, it was fun to play with the "pop" in of the pieces. At some points within the video it even sinks up to the music, which is pretty cool. this whisk was fun to work with, but we actually had to tape the pieces together in order for it work. At the end of the second whisking it nearly fell apart within the tape. Many of the videos in class were really good. I'll admit ours wasn't the best, but I really think it represented the idea, slogan, and simplicity.

The final whisk prototype also turned out amazing. Our group partner Zak actually carved the handle out of wood. It really looks great and the handle really fits comfortably in your hand. The magnets within the whisk heads almost completely work, but fall down easily. Yet, this final prototype really looks sleek, well-made, and is understandable. 

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