Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Art of Storyboarding

The Art of Storyboarding

Storyboarding was the most fun for me on this project. We watched videos in class to help us with the whole concept of storyboarding. I made about four possible storyboard scenarios to express the idea  we wanted to make within our video. This one on top was just for fun and I wanted to draw dinosaurs. The main idea was to make the video as simplified at possible. It actually made expressing this idea on paper really hard. 

So I played around with this simplicity idea and created three different storyboards from it. I originally wanted to create a stream of different people using the whisk, making it a more universal product. This idea does not work with the actual layout of the place we're filming at. Instead of universality, we changed to adaptability. The whisk's head changes sizes easily through magnets, thus we utilized this simple idea and made it the focus of our video. All in all I think storyboarding gave me the ability to really feel what it was like being a story-boarder. I really feel like with a little practice, I'll be great at it. Also, my favorite storyboard references during the lecture were, of course, the Toy Story ones. I love them and how they express the ideas of the film so fluidly. I hope one day I can work at Pixar or at least be apart of a great children's film!

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